Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Canadians, Swastikas, and Disgusting People on All Sides

Canada is really starting to bug me. And this time it's not even a Human rights Commission that's doing the bugging.
This link takes you to a summary of the story of a Canadian mother who sent her 7 year old daughter to school with a swastika drawn on her arm. The child's teacher promptly scrubbed the thing off, only to have the girl return the next day with the swastika redrawn in marker.

In the end, the mother lost custody of her two children to the government, and has yet to go to court to try to win them back.
Okay, disgusting people on all sides here. Firstly, we have a woman who believes displaying a swastika is equivalent to being proud of your European heritage (Yes, that's how she's defending herself) and then we have a government taking away people's children because their parents have political beliefs that the state does not agree with. Soviet-esque, no? The Manitoba Child and Family services stated that the main reason the children were removed was that the state feared that living with racist parents could damage the "emotional well-being" of the two kids. Ha!

Since when in a free Western country was it considered acceptable or moral to have the government barging into people's lives because of their opinions and beliefs? What's next? No matter how deplorable a person's beliefs might be, the government is not here to raise our children or run our lives, and in a free country we are free to hold any belief we choose to.

As for the mother of the swastika-girl, I think she is a worst at racist and at best just plain ignorant. I'm starting to think she's more ignorant than anything, because she stated that she was only displaying white pride and using the swastika to represent the family's Scottish background. Alright, first of all;
*The swastika originated in ancient times somewhere around the Indian subcontinent, you dolt;
*The swastika was never associated with Scotland; might I suggest you try something like a Scottish flag next time you start feeling 'proud of your heritage'?
* The swastika has nothing do with white 'pride'- In the modern day, it is a symbol of Aryan supremacy associated with the demeaning and brutal slaughtering of millions of people deemed to be of an inferior ethnicity. What the hell were you thinking?
* Did you honestly think your daughter's school WOULDN'T mind a child walking around with a swastika on her arm?

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