Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Spawn Is Posting

For those of you that have heard of that little blog out there in cyber space, Alien Corn ... well, the seldom-mentioned 'daughter' of the authors has decided to start posting for herself. This opinionated spawn of a Florida cracker and a mid- Atlantic WASP will be ranting on such topics as immigration, what's wrong with today's schools, abortion, religion, racism and sexism, the mess abroad and the mess at home, etc, in an attempt to prove that there are some American teenagers out there with the vocab and the common sense to make a decent argument without resorting to propaganda and the abusing of our precious few swear words, damn it.


Susan's Husband said...

So this is what happens if you don't trade your daughter for gasoline.

Ranting Kid said...

Yay! A comment! least I can say that I have indeed been to Las Vegas, no?